- Trademark clearance through comprehensive searches and in-depth analysis;
- Application filings for trademark registration and prosecution in the United States;
- Application filings for trademark registration and prosecution worldwide through more than 40 foreign associates with whom we have established relationships for more than 24 years;
- Copyright registration and prosecution in the United States;
- Design patent applications in the United States and the protection of design registrations worldwide through our foreign associates;
- Obtaining ownership of Domain Names;
- Licensing work;
- Recordation of U.S. Trademark and Copyright Registrations with U.S. Customs;
- Anti-counterfeiting litigation;
- Working with U.S. Customs as well as Customs “Offices” worldwide to keep counterfeit products out of the U.S. and other countries;
- WIPO complaints against cyber squatters registering and using infringing Domain Names;
- Working with various State and Federal law enforcement agencies to protect against the counterfeiting of our clients’ products; and,
- General transactional work related to the foregoing.